Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE World

Annual User Conference

The Situation:  

3DEXPERIENCE World is known for its passionate and dedicated user group audience – that was extremely excited to be back in person in Atlanta for the 2022 program.  

Starting about 9 months before, we together with the Dassault Systémes team worked through the theming, messaging, and design for the return to in-person events for 3DEXPERIENCE World. Using our PRISM Methodology, we took the attendee profile, the event objectives, and the research in the marketplace to suggest a theme that would encompass the purpose of this year’s event. This theme would guide the visual identity, and messaging of executive presentations, and be woven throughout the event to provide a cohesive experience for attendees. 

Once the theme was solidified, we worked on designing an epic set for the Atlanta Convention Center that would excite and engage the 2,500-person audience. Inspired by stadium events, we designed a set complete with a jumbotron, an awe-inspiring stage, and the potential for stadium seating.  

We began to craft video interstitials that would compliment both the theme and the impressive set. We transformed the Cramer studio into a plane soaring in the sky, a local coffee shop, and the late-night office for the opening video. We also sent a crew to follow a key executive around the Boston area for his entrance video. And our animation team transformed a static theme graphic into multi-purpose video assets to be used throughout the set and event.  

With the surge of the Omicron variant, strict corporate travel policies, and attendee safety top of mind, 3 weeks from the go-live day, the in-person program was forced to pivot to a hybrid program in the Dassault Systèmes Corporate Office in Waltham, MA. Together, our Cramer and client teams worked to transform the in-person program, with a virtual component, in the Atlanta Convention Center to a mostly virtual program rightsized for the Executive Center in Waltham, MA.  

The Solution:  

We transformed the Executive Center into the main stage complete with multiple camera looks and a jib. We leveraged the same look and feel and converted the set design to fit into the smaller space. Off to the side, we added a second stage to add a dynamic look into the program. On that stage, demos and skits were conducted giving the audience a fresh look at the program.  

A few feet down the hall, we transformed 2 meeting rooms into the SOLIDWORKS Live broadcast center. Each day the hosts of SOLIDWORKS Live would discuss the content from that day’s event, conduct interviews with top executives, and connect with some of the top users in their community. The stage leveraged a similar look and feel to the main stage down the hall, however, our teams worked together to ensure the program had its own visual identity to help differentiate it from the main program.  

For 3 days, the stream was LIVE on the virtual event platform and on YouTube from 8 am until 5 pm, with hour-long segments dividing up the day. Each day around 1 pm, we would send the stream to one of our remote crews on the Shop Floor in North Carolina. And around 11 am, our roving crew traveled around the global headquarters giving the viewers a look into some of the most notable areas.  

Lastly, all assets had to be updated to reflect the new change in location and delivery method. Almost immediately, our team of designers started updating countless assets to get the word out to attendees, almost immediately.  

The Result:  

Despite the last-minute pivot, over 25,000 people attended the event virtually and the content was delivered to their users from the comfort of the newly designed Executive Center.  

Hear from our Account Manager

Cramer’s, Abbie Reynolds, speaks on Cramer’s relationship with Dassault Systèmes, and how 3DEXPERIENCE World was a success!

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